Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Cure for the Common ________

You may be thinking that I'm going to finish that sentence with "cold." I very well could, but I don't know if they've ever found a cure for the common cold.

Instead, I had a whole other epidemic in mind. As a minister to the next generation, one of the things I continually see in suburban kids is a sense of entitlement, which can often lead to "laziness." Personally, as I look around at kids nowadays, I see a lot of laziness. However, much of that laziness has been created by mom and dad under the guise of "love" or "I don't want them to fail" or many other justifications.

But is there a cure? Well, if there is a cure...it's going to start with individual parents. I read a fellow blogger the other day who seemed to be on to something about parents creating a cure for laziness in their homes. He proposed some decent ideas. Some you could adopt, and I'm sure there are others he hasn't listed.

Reverse the Laziness Curse

He's got some really good ideas in there...some personal favorites included:
  • "Intentionally bore your kids"
  • "Make your kids WORK"
What do you think? Is laziness pandemic in our community and in our children?

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