This is a place for the parents of Firewheel Church. Here, you'll find resources to accomplish your Deuteronomy 6:4-7 mission. If you're not a part of Firewheel Church, we're glad you're here too!
Monday, August 29, 2011
The Apple Doesn't _________________
It's an old cliche, but it's probably true...the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree. I've been thinking about that a lot recently, since I will be meeting Lauren and I's little "apple" in November. If I'm honest, I'm kind of scared that he'll be just like me.
When someone uses that line, it is usually with a negative connotation. There are definitely times in life, where you're going to look at your kids and say "that's in THEM, because of ME, and I wish that weren't the case." But what about the positive potential that this statement holds? There are also positive traits/characteristics/habits that your kids are in them because you possess them.
Here's where I'm going with this...there's one area of life, where this statement is most definitively true...your relationship with God and your own spiritual growth. Many folks falsely assume that if I bring my kids to church, they'll grow spiritually. It's not that easy.
There are no guarantees that any of our children will grow up loving God and desiring to follow Him with their lives, but I do know this...they have a better chance of understanding what that's all about if they have parents in their life who are modeling that for them and doing their best to live out a genuine and real relationship with God in front of them.
If it's not in's probably not going to be in THEM! When it comes to spiritual growth and desire for God, the old adage is true...the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Friday Media...
So, one of the easy ways to combine memory and Scripture is to put Scripture to music. Luckily the folks at Seeds Family Worship who have done this for us. If you like it and think your kids will like it, there are lots of CD's available at their website.
Pretty catchy...I'm singing a couple of them right now!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Wednesdays are for parenting tips...
A Fun Way To Teach Children to be Servants
One of the roadblocks to sibling harmony is selfishness. Children want to be first or best. Teaching kids to serve others is an important way for them to learn honor. A servant gives more than half, considers others' needs, and looks for ways to benefit those around him. Children who learn to be servants make better employees, develop meaningful friendships, and enjoy relationships more.
One fun way to teach children to be servants is the "I Cut, You Pick" Rule. It helps children who both want the last piece of cake, or plan to split a chocolate bar. It simply goes like this. When children must divide something between the two of them, ask one child if he would rather cut or pick. The other alternative goes to the second child. This plan motivates the person cutting to be as equal as possible.
Now, instead of two children arguing about who got the biggest piece, they are both involved in the solution. The "I Cut, You Pick" rule equips children with a tool they can use in many situations to bring peace instead of frustration in relationships.
The technique actually comes from a Bible story of Abraham and Lot. They had too many herds and not enough food so they decided to divide the land between the two huge families. Abraham, being a wise servant of God, said, "I'll cut the land into two pieces and you pick which one you'd like." In the story, Lot chose what appeared to be the better piece but Abraham was rewarded in the end and, most importantly, their relationship was preserved.
This parenting tip is taken from the book, "Say Goodbye to Whining, Complaining, and Bad Attitudes, In You and Your Kids" by Dr. Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller, RN, BSN.
Taken from
Monday, August 22, 2011
New School Year
Well, today, all of that changed. That's right...It's back to school day! There's almost a sense in which I'm kind of secretly thankful that they won't be able to rub their "summer fun" in my face anymore.
I know what you're thinking...that's a little petty, Robert. I'm not denying it...welcome to my wicked, sinful heart. :)
Confession time...ever been jealous of students or teachers during the summer? Ever secretly been happy that they have to go back to school? Or is this just me?
Friday, August 19, 2011
Friday Media...
The author of the Psalms helps us connect the reality that memorizing Scripture is critical to living a life where sin is decreased and following God is increased. That is just as true then as it is now. There is a powerful link between knowing, memorizing, and storing God's Word in our hearts that helps us in the Christian life.
Ever wanted to think about how to get your kids to memorize scripture...well, below is a link to one prominent pastor's thoughts on the matter...
How Can Parents Help Their Kids Memorize Scripture?
There's your Friday media...enjoy!
Monday, August 15, 2011
The problem with the internet...
A real person, a lot like you from Derek Sivers on Vimeo.
You might be wandering...Robert, what does this have to do with parenting. Here's what. Every generation from this point on is growing up in the online world. 10 year old's have facebook (forget the problem that they are on their illegally, and that they either have hid it from their parents or their parents have helped them lie about their age...that's a whole other issue). They are growing up "detached" from having to tell people hard things face to face. They can just shoot off a text, fire off an email, or send a facebook message.
We see this even in adults. We've all heard stories of people breaking up a relationship with a text message or leaving a church that has invested in them for years with a short email. We all do this...instead of having discussions face to face or being respectful enough to sit down with someone and explain ourselves, we hide behind the computer...feeling like it would be less awkward. But it's not less awkward...especially not for the person receiving the message...they just think you don't care about them enough to have a face-to-face conversation (and that can be an awkward feeling).
But remember what this video says, there are some things that we would never say to someone's face, that we might send electronically. How can you model and train your children to not "hide" behind the perceived anonymity of the internet and to grow up being careful of how someone might hear what they are "sending" with a few quick finger strokes?.
These are just some of the thoughts running through my head today...if it seems like a jumbled mess of thoughts, it's because that's what it feels like in my brain too. I'm still mulling some of this over...but I think there's a problem with the internet!
Any thoughts?
Friday, August 12, 2011
Friday Media
Today, I wanted to share with you something that I think might be extremely helpful to you as a parent kids at Firewheel. Each month, our curriculum company gives us all kinds of great resources to help kids and families. Here are the summary videos of what your kids are learning about all month at church. Take a minute to may help you have a spiritual conversation to your kids!
VIRTUE VIDEO: GRACE (August 2011) from Orange on Vimeo.
VISION VIDEO: FIRST LOOK (August 2011) from Orange on Vimeo.
Hope they help!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Practice Makes ___________
I would offer another answer to fill in this blank. It's an answer I learned as a high school student from my baseball coach over and over again. He always said, "Practice makes PERMANENT." What he meant by that, is that the WAY you practice something, becomes a pattern. In that context...the way you practice swinging or fielding ground balls, becomes ingrained in us to the point of permanence.
I got to thinking about this the other day. How might this idea apply to "parenting." The other day I was thinking about Lauren and I welcoming our new son in November. What am I "practicing" right now, that has become permanent in the way I do or handle things? Are those good things or not? What are some things we do or allow at home as parents, but expect different behaviors from our kids when they are out in public?
How we "practice" is becoming "permanent." So, the thought-provoking question for today is "how are you practicing and do you want it to become permanent in yourself, your children, or your family"?
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
School is coming...
So, I have one question for you...
What can you do in the next two weeks (prior to school starting) to make one more great summer memory or what can you plan to create a lasting memory for your family before the "grind" begins again? It doesn't haven't to be be memorable!
Friday, August 5, 2011
A little Friday media...
Here she is talking about her newest book... (video below)
Gospel-Centered Parenting - if you can't see the embedded video
Thursday, August 4, 2011
A Very Realistic Fear...
Why Young People Stay in Church When They Grow Up
There are three things this pastor proposes are reasons that the next generation stay in church long term and serve God with their lives. One of these is the Holy Spirit's job, one is the church's responsibility, and one of these is the parents responsibility.
Are you pleading with God to do the first one, are you helping your church accomplish the second one, and how are you doing on the third one?
Monday, August 1, 2011
It's going to be a great week...
What I'm most excited about is this idea that there a bunch of kids who will have someone come to them for a week...on their their world...for them. It reminded me of when our Lord and Savior left the perfectness of heaven, put on flesh, and entered into the world. What was His purpose? "To seek and to save what is lost" (Luke 19:10).
I'm pumped up and excited that I get to leave the comforts of my little world this week and enter into someone else's for the God-ordained purpose... "to seek and to save that which is lost."