Children and the Gospel! (Part 4)
“Saying the prayer”
One of the things that often accompanies kids and salvation is “the prayer.” We absolutely have to remember that saying some words or praying to God isn’t what saves us. It is the belief/faith behind that prayer that saves us. A child or adult can have a saving faith in Christ without praying.
However, for children and adults a prayer is often a useful tool to help someone verbalize the faith decision they may have just made. If you decide to use a prayer to help someone you’re leading to Christ, make it a point to help them understand that it wasn’t saying the right words in a prayer that makes them okay with God. The “Sinner’s Prayer” isn’t some magical combination that opens up the secret door. 9 right, 13 left, 23 right…bingo, I’m in! Sometimes it can be treated flippantly, and I’ve seen it done. “Just get them through the prayer.” That’s selling the gospel really short.
Please hear me. Don’t be afraid to use a “prayer” as a tool with your kids, but always come back with instruction that lets a child/adult know that they are in right standing with God because of one thing, and one thing alone, faith.
Adequate vs. Best
God can use anything to bring people to a saving knowledge of Him. I’ve seen the most incoherent rambling about Christ wreck people and lead them to the Savior. I’ve also seen the most polished, well-thought-out gospel presentation move no one to repentance.
However, I do think we have a duty as followers of Jesus Christ to make the gospel as plain and as understandable as we possibly can, especially for children. Many of our attempts at sharing the gospel may only lead to more confusion. There’s an adequate/good way…and there’s a better/best way. Why not shoot for the best?
***Please see the other attached documents for a more in-depth discussion of some helpful hints***
What should I do?
Talk about the gospel truth, especially to the children in your life.
Talk about the difference the gospel has made in your life.
Have a plan for sharing the gospel to your children. Not so that they can go to heaven and you can have peace, but because you love them and want them to have the most abundant, best life (eternal life discussion from above).
Pray every day that the Holy Spirit would open the eyes of your children and others to the truth of the gospel, and that they would have a train wreck with the grace of God.
Don’t manipulate kids or pressure them to make a decision. They better own it for themselves, or it’s going to cause more heartache in the end.
Remember that this is all in God’s hands. Do your best, and trust God that he’ll bring about the result He desires at the time He desires.
Well, that's it...we'll start up a new topic in a few days!
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