Thursday, November 17, 2011

Family Devotional 101 (Part 2 of 4)

Over the course of the next couple of weeks, I'm going to take on a couple of different topics that will require some length. So, I'll break it into "bite-size" chunks!

Family Devotional 101
(Part 2)

When’s the best time

The real answer to that question is…ANYTIME. Anytime is the best time. Whatever works for you as a family within the natural flow of the day.

A natural time to do this is during a meal time or right before bed. It really depends on when you can get everyone in your family in the same room at the same time (a very difficult task considering the realities of the modern family). Another possibility is the car. The average, suburban family spends hours in the car each week. Use that to your advantage.

What about kids on a different level

Most families, if they have multiple children will always have kids who are on different levels intellectually, emotionally, and especially, spiritually. Sometimes this can be difficult, especially with really young children.

The Scriptures are applicable to everyone. Having said that, they are not always applicable in the same way. As your children get older, it will be extremely important to teach them how to apply the Bible to their individual, daily lives. That’s why open-ended thought provoking questions are a must. One kid might be dealing with a bully situation. Another may have some issues with how they use their tongues. You’re in this together as a family. Every part of the family affects the other, and I would venture to believe that your kids will learn from each other as much as they learn from you.

Still more to come...stay tuned!

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