Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I'm not quite sure how to describe it, but there's something "refreshing" about going on vacation. There's this magical week where responsibility is put on the back-burner and you have a time to just "be."

I don't know about you, but every time I go on vacation, I come back feeling a bit refreshed. Some of you may be saying to yourself, "that's because you don't have any kids to take on vacation with you." That is true, no children traveled with my wife and I on this vacation, and I'm sure that decreased levels of frustration and increased levels of relaxation.

Here's what I'm getting it...

It may not be a vacation for you, but every one of us have ways that we are "refreshed." It might be an hour at the gym. It might be watching on of your favorite TV shows. It might be going on a walk. It might be reading a chapter in a book. Whatever it is, we should all seek out those ways, periodically, where we can be "refreshed." It's good for us!

So, what's your refreshment plan?

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