One of the fears many parents have is raising kids who think the world revolves around them, and that's why were talking about this idea of humility. If you have that fear (raising ego-filled, jerk-ish kids) check out the following list of things you can do to make sure they do end up like that.
List of ways you can raise a egotistical jerk:
- "Protect them from the consequences of their own mistakes.
- Make sure you do whatever they can do for themselves.
- Keep them away from anyone who thinks differently than they do.
- Try to give them everything they want.
- Tell them over and over again you just want them to be happy.
- Convince them that they are more special than other kids.
- Always take their side when they get in trouble with their teacher at school.
- Always take their side whenever they are in a conflict with a friend.
- Keep insisting that they are the best player on the team.
- Don’t give them consistent opportunities to help or serve other people.
- Never require them to do chores.
- Reinforce their prejudices about people from different cultures or backgrounds.
- Make your relationship with them more important than your relationship with your spouse.
- Rarely express genuine gratitude to those who help you.
- Teach them to talk more than they listen.
- Never let them hear you say “I was wrong. I am sorry.”"
Source link - How to Raise a Jerk
Pretty tough list...what's your take? What would you add to the list?
Don't lead by good example - make sure your kids see you being selfish, cheating, stealing and other jerkish qualities so they refine their own jerkishness ;o)