Thursday, October 27, 2011

Birds and Bees...HELP! (Part 4 of 4)

Over the course of the next couple of weeks, I'm going to take on a couple of different topics that will require some length. So, I'll break it into "bite-size" chunks!

Birds and Bees...HELP! (Part 4)

You’re the Examples

I’m sure you know this already, but children pick up all kinds of things from their parents. Some of it will be good, and some may be not so helpful. My loving, pastoral suggestion is to model the kinds of behaviors you’d like to see in your children, and don’t be surprised at all if your children do the same things you do. Let’s this be one of those good kind of warnings…it starts with you parents.

Some helpful hints:

1. Dad’s take your daughters out on dates. Always tell them how beautiful they are and that you love them. If they are used to hearing that, it won’t be such a shocking thing when some 15 or 16 year old boy tells them that for the first time, and suddenly their whisked away into this “teenage-love-induced coma.”

2. Internet safety - Kids are becoming savvier with computers. Some of you could probably say that you 12 year old knows more about the computer than you do. For that reason, internet safety is critical. If you don’t already have some kind of monitoring/blocking device for your computer, I would recommend you do that immediately, especially if your kids use the internet at your home. All it takes is one misstep, one wrong click, or one pop-up from a website, and your precious children’s minds are given something their not ready to deal with and something that could stay with them for a lifetime. If you don’t already have an internet filter, I would recommend a great on for you. I actually use it on myself and an accountability partner of mine has the password to that I can’t tamper with it. B-Safe Online ( This is a great filter. It costs about $50 a year, but that investment should be nothing when you think of all the dangers that are lurking on the internet that your children could get caught in.

3. Don’t allow things in your home (TV, internet, magazines, etc.) that could contradict what you’re attempting to teach your children. You’re not going to be able to do this fully (unless you become Amish), but we diligent in policing your home for these things. Again, ask yourself some hard questions.

Good Scriptures to Use:

- Genesis 1/2

- 1 Peter 5:8-9

- 1 Peter 3:3-4

- 1 Corinthians 10:13 (for older kids)

- Hebrews 13:4

- 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8 (may take a require a little instruction)

- James 4:7

- Psalm 139

- Job 31:1 (especially as boys get hormones)

- Plenty of others that I could mention, but don’t want to take up the room.


Mini-disclaimer: Please remember the disclaimer from the resources question. Make it a practice to always read stuff for yourself and know what’s in a book before you give it to your children. Some of the following resources, I have read personally, and others I have not.

1. Preparing Your Son for Every Man’s Battle/Preparing Your Daughter for Every Woman’s Battle – these are some great resources for parents. Half of the book is for parents to read, and the last half is stuff that you and your son/daughter can read together. If you haven’t ready the adult versions of these books for yourself (Every Man’s Battle/Every Woman’s Battle), you should.

2. God’s Design for Sex Series – I have not personally read these, but I know of some parents that use them. Everything I’ve heard has been extremely positive. This series have four different books that are gauged for different stages of a kid’s life.

That's it...we'll start up a new topic in a few days. Hope it's been helpful!

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