Friday, February 4, 2011

Husbands, Fathers, and Thermostats

As a child, one of the things I knew never to touch in my house was the thermostat. There was only one person or entity who had control over the temperature of the house and the electricity it would cost to achieve that temperature...and that person was my dad. Now, I don't remember being sweated out during the summer to save a few bucks. I don't remember having to run in place to keep warm during the winter. But one thing was for dad was on the frugal side and us kids didn't touch the thermostat.

I was reminded about that the other day, and just how true this phrase is... "Husbands/Fathers, set the temperature for the home." I think that's probably true for the actual thermostat (most men want control of that thing...just like the remote), but I KNOW it's true when it comes to the emotional and spiritual well-being of your family. Husbands/Fathers, you set the temperature.

They will follow your lead...good or bad...even when we don't want them to follow our rely on the power of the Spirit...and lead well!

Husbands/Fathers, what's the "temperature" in your home?

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